Many women put up with uncomfortable chafing and discomfort during sex, exercising, and performing everyday activities because they feel like they can’t do anything to change it. Labiaplasty can provide aesthetic and functional benefits to women who are dissatisfied with the way their labia looks or feels. This blog discusses the benefits of labiaplasty, including how it can improve the appearance of the labia, eliminate uncomfortable chafing, and allow for more comfort during sex.
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Why Do Women Choose to Get Labiaplasty?
Most of us would like to feel comfortable and confident in our bodies every day. Unfortunately, that’s often not the reality that many of us experience. Something that many women silently struggle with is feeling uncomfortable with their labia—whether that’s due to irritating skin chafing down there, disliking the visual aesthetic, or a combination of both. Whether the discomfort is physical or emotional, it can be frustrating to deal with, especially when it affects you on a daily basis.
When the labia is too large, the skin can rub against itself, causing friction and uncomfortable chafing. It can also be uncomfortable to have labia that hang outside of underwear and bathing suit bottoms, and many women dislike the way this looks. Labiaplasty provides an option for women to eliminate physical and emotional discomfort.
What Are the Benefits of Labiaplasty?
Every woman’s body is different and has features that are unique to them. With that in mind, it makes sense that labia can vary in shape and size from woman to woman. Additionally, the labia’s appearance can change throughout one’s life, especially after giving birth, weight loss, or due to the natural aging process.
Labiaplasty can provide patients with several physical and emotional benefits, which may include the following:
- Make the labia majora (outer folds) smaller and more proportional to the rest of the vulva
- Adjust the labia majora’s protrusion to make the labia fit in clothing better
- Reshape vaginal tissue and create symmetry among the labial folds
- Eliminate chafing, increasing comfort during walking, exercise, and sex
- Restore and enhance self-confidence
What Does a Labiaplasty Procedure Entail?
Each labiaplasty procedure is customized to fit the individual needs of the patient and achieve the best possible results. Two common techniques that are typically used for the procedure are the trim and wedge methods. The trim technique is performed by making an incision on the length of the labia majora, trimming excess skin, and then sewing the incision back up. The wedge technique utilizes an incision on the labia minora, allowing the surgeon to remove a wedge-shaped amount of tissue and then close the incision. Some patients may be better candidates for one technique over the other, depending on their anatomy and aesthetic goals.
Want to Know More About Labiaplasty in San Diego, CA?
If you’re bothered by chafing down there, unfavorable aesthetics, or discomfort during sex, it may be time to consider labiaplasty surgery. Our staff at Coastal Plastic Surgeons welcomes new patients to contact the office with their questions about labiaplasty and can also help you schedule a consultation if you’re ready to begin your labiaplasty journey. We understand that feeling comfortable with your labia can help enhance your quality of life, and we want to help patients achieve that.
To learn more about labiaplasty or to schedule your consultation, call (858) 365-3558 or fill out our online contact form today.