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How Long After a Breast Augmentation Should I Wait Before I Workout?

Breast Augmentation

Everyone’s body heals at a different rate after breast augmentation surgery, so it’s important to follow your surgeon’s guidance and listen to your body before you start exercising again. This blog discusses how light walks are good during the first week of recovery to avoid blood clots and how most exercises can be resumed six weeks after surgery.

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Breast Augmentation Recovery

You want to look and feel your best, but it’s important to understand when to push yourself and when to rest. If you’re planning on getting a breast augmentation, you may already be aware of what the recovery process entails. However, a question many women often have—especially those who live an active lifestyle—is when they can start exercising after surgery.

During recovery, especially in the first couple of weeks, strenuous activities must be avoided. You must allow your body to rest so it can heal safely and as efficiently as possible.

Every woman’s body will heal slightly differently after breast augmentation surgery. While it’s important to know the basic guidelines and general recovery timeline so you’re informed of the process, it’s equally essential to understand that you must listen to your body’s needs so it can heal properly. This is especially important when it comes to exercise and not pushing yourself too far too soon in your recovery.

What Is the Best Breast Implant Placement for Athletes?

One of the reasons that recovery differs from patient to patient is due to the various options—implant material, incision type, and implant placement—you can choose for your breast augmentation. In general, athletes, bodybuilders, or women who regularly do chest exercises might consider choosing a subglandular placement for their implants.

Subglandular placement puts the implants over the pectoral muscle, allowing them not to be affected or disturbed by the chest muscles contracting while working out. However, the best implant placement will depend on your body proportions, goals, and the implant type you select. If chest exercises are an important and regular aspect of your lifestyle, let your surgeon know during your consultation so they can make suitable recommendations.

What Exercises Can I Do One Week After Breast Augmentation?

The first week of your breast augmentation recovery is typically the most uncomfortable stage, as your chest will feel sore, you’ll have limited mobility of your arms, and you’ll need lots of rest. However, many surgeons do recommend that patients start doing light walks immediately after surgery. Short, easy walks are an excellent way to prevent blood clots from forming.

Two weeks after surgery, you can build up the frequency, speed, and length of your walks as your body heals and feels up to it. While you should still avoid strenuous activities and lifting anything heavy, you may be able to implement some leg and lower body exercises. Be sure to ask your surgeon before starting any new exercises during recovery so they can let you know if it’s safe.

What Exercises Can I Do Six Weeks After Surgery?

Most women are able to return to all forms of exercise and strenuous activities, such as weight lifting, around six weeks after surgery. For women who are used to living an active lifestyle, reaching the sixth week after breast augmentation can be an exciting time as they can typically go back to their regular, pre-surgery exercise routines.

Listening to Your Body & Following Your Surgeon’s Aftercare Instructions

It’s crucial to listen to your body throughout your recovery period and follow your surgeon’s specific aftercare instructions. While some women are eager to start physical activities, it’s important to be patient and listen to your body’s needs.

Your surgeon also has a wealth of knowledge about the techniques used during your surgery and how to help your body heal safely. Staying in regular communication with your surgeon during your breast augmentation recovery is a great way to ensure that your body is healing accordingly and that you can enjoy your results as soon as possible.

Have More Questions About Breast Augmentation in San Diego, CA?

To learn more about breast augmentation in San Diego, CA, and the recovery process, call Coastal Plastic Surgeons at (858) 365-3558 or fill out our online contact form.