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How to Sleep After Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Recovering from breast augmentation can be challenging, especially when the healing process alters your daily habits and routine. Many women aren’t aware that they will need to sleep in an inclined position during their breast augmentation recovery. This blog discusses how to sleep after breast augmentation and provides tips for making the adjustment easier.

Healing From Breast Augmentation

After getting breast augmentation surgery, you’ll need to spend lots of time resting to allow your body to heal. The recovery process for breast augmentation will vary for every woman, as everyone’s body heals in their own time. Some factors contributing to the length of your recovery include health, size of implant, implant placement, and how closely you follow post-operative instructions.

Carefully following all aftercare instructions from your surgeon is essential for a smooth recovery from breast augmentation. While many people are aware that rest is important after breast augmentation, not as many know the proper sleeping positions they must utilize during recovery. After surgery, your breasts will be swollen, so it’s crucial that you don’t sleep in a position that would put additional pressure on them or your incision sites as they heal.

What Sleeping Position Is Best After Breast Augmentation?

When you come home from your breast augmentation surgery, you can expect your breasts to feel swollen and sensitive. Many people are accustomed to sleeping on their side or stomach; some also shift around and change positions throughout the night. However, after breast augmentation, it is crucial not to sleep on your side or stomach, as these positions will put pressure on your freshly placed implants.

Avoiding pressure on the implants is essential so they don’t shift out of place or compromise your results before settling and healing fully. It is also important to avoid sleeping on your chest so your incision sites can heal properly and don’t reopen or result in more extensive scarring.

After surgery, the best way to sleep is to lie on your back with a slightly elevated upper body. Your torso and head should ideally be elevated at a 25 to 45-degree angle, at least for the first few days following your breast augmentation. This inclined position allows you to minimize any fluid buildup in your chest and increases blood circulation, further promoting your body’s healing process.

Many women sleep on their backs for the entirety of their breast augmentation recovery period to ensure that they don’t jeopardize their results. Ask your surgeon how long you need to sleep on your back in this inclined position before trying new sleeping positions.

Sleeping Tips for Breast Augmentation Recovery

It can feel unnatural for many women to sleep in an inclined position, especially if they are not used to sleeping on their back. Breast augmentation patients can try the following tips to help them adjust to this new sleeping position during recovery:

  • Sleeping in a recliner chair to acclimate to the elevated position
  • Using a wedge pillow to prop yourself up in bed
  • Stacking pillows underneath your head and torso ( a way to create elevation if you don’t have a wedge pillow)
  • Using extra pillows and strategically placing them beside you to prevent unconscious shifting around

Want to Know More About Breast Augmentation in San Diego, CA?

If you’re planning to get breast augmentation surgery, it’s essential to prepare yourself for the recovery process ahead. To learn more information about breast augmentation and tips for recovery, call Coastal Plastic Surgeons at (858) 365-3558 or complete our online contact form